Sunday, October 14, 2012

How bad do you dread seeing Sunday night arrive?

I  definitely have the Sunday night look going on. How about you?

Okay teachers the new date to look for is November 19th, THANKSGIVING BREAK. If you need to see it on a calendar here is the link.
It is sooo doable. (LOL now ask me tomorrow and I might be changed my mind).

Speaking of Thanksgiving look at this cuties's 1st Thanksgiving. Where has the time gone??

Lot's of fun between now and Thanksgiving though.
Fall Festivals, Halloween, and the Fair! I love this time of the year!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fall Break Day 4 and 5

Day 4

Yesterday was full of laundry, laundry, and more laundry. Luke is pretty much potty trained, but sometimes he gets busy playing and we have a little accident. I think I have washed 80 pair of underwear this week. I mainly cleaned and washed underwear yesterday.

Day 5

We went back to And Bounce today. Aunt Kacie and Nick tagged along with us today.

After all the jumping it was time for chips and salsa. We came home for a nap, well I had to do lovely VSU work. We then headed off to the Ware County game.

Luke said he need to take a picture of the "alladador"

Bless, we are not fans of loud noises, of course unless he is making them.

Sorry I know its kind of blurry, but I love the expression on his face. 

We had a great week! I can't believe it is almost over. Let the countdown to Thanksgiving break begin. :) 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fall Break Day 3- Around the house

We laid around the house today. Okay well when there is a 2 year old boy involved, laying around is probably not the correct term.

We painted ...

Luke and Annie had a great time ...

I am not sure what tomorrow will hold, besides some laundry ugh! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall Break Day 2 - Mr. Bill

Well..... my mother, Luke, and I spent the day in Brunswick for a doctor's appointment.  All was well, just a check-up for Luke's ears. While at the doctor's office, Luke made friends with this very nice couple. He thought the lady looked like our Nanny G and made me look a couple of time to make sure it wasn't. However, he really made friends with the gentleman. Luke quickly walked up to them after their arrival and asked him his name, the nice man told Luke his name was Bill. Luke liked the couple so much that I found this picture on my phone later in the afternoon. Mr. Bill has been the topic of the day.
I made them a new face to protect the innocent..haha

The doctor was followed by a few shopping stops and a nice lunch. I even managed to pickup two Christmas presents. However, the highlight of the day was Mr. Bill (at least in Luke's opinion). 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fall Break..Day 1 BOUNCE

Hello there...

We are on  fall break this week and I am so excited!

At the last minute a coworker (and friend) decided to take our little ones to And Bounce for a morning of jumping, bouncing, sliding, and running around in hopes of a great nap. It worked for me, but I don't think she was as lucky.

On the way Luke was informing me of how many slides would be there, he was a little off  LOL, but it was still worth posting (well in my opinion).

(Sorry for photo quality, they were all were taken own my phone)

They had a wonderful time..I think we might return later in the week if anyone else wants to tag along???

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Did I Do That?

I don't believe in jinxing,but it really seems like I jinxed Luke. Friday while at work I made the comment that "Luke has not been sick in a while". Many of the girls laughed and said "he probably will be now". Well...I worked a little late Friday and got a call from my mom wanting to know where the thermometer was. Yep, fever! 101.4 when I got home, 102.4 later that night, and 104.6 this morning.

We did sneak out of the house long enough to get some breakfast while we were on a medicine run this morning. Even though I have a child that runs fevers that would scare most people to death, he is a great patient....well expect when it comes to taking medicine.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Boy and His Dog, Birthdays, and a Bulldog

Hello strangers!

I spent a lot of time with family over the last month and many people asked me about my blog, so I am going to give it another shot. Being people actual read it...hahaha

I guess I should share that while I was missing in action, we grew a family member. She is a four-legged member. Annie, is a mix of Lab and Jack Russell. She has been so wonderful with Luke!!! His and her favorite game to play is tag. She applies her tag with a little nibble on Luke's bottom. He thinks it is extremely funny!!

We have also had some birthdays while I was gone.
Papa Jack turned 81!

 All the grands and the one great grand

Aunt Kacie and Aunt Melissa turned 24!Man I am getting old!!

 Oh yeah one more thing....
Russ became UGA